A visual meditation on the nature of dissolution and its aftermath, originally screened for the "Room of Dissolution" at the Rites of Passage 20/20 Vision Project House by founding director Pooja Prema. This is a video collage that weaves together selected global weather images taken from the NOAA satellite GOES-16 via R.A.M.M.B.: (The Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch). I chose images that showed the progression of multiple wildfires, thunderstorms, tornadoes, dust plumes, volcanic eruptions, typhoons and tropical storms,from January to August 2021. The film makes connections to our individual and collective experiences of trauma, loss, and death through the lens of our planet. Featuring the song "Bye Bye Butterfly" by Pauline Oliveros, this video collage invites the viewer into a psychic sanctuary that honors and mourns that which has been dissolved.
Music: "Bye Bye Butterfly" by Pauline Oliveros, from the 1997 Electronic Works Album.
Weather Images: Taken from the GOES National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Image Viewer Website via https://www.star.nesdis.noaa.gov/goes/index.php.